Birth date calculator
Birth date calculator

birth date calculator

His secret? Keep smiling and never get angry. As of February 2020, Guinness Book of World Records hailed Chitetsu Watanabe, who lives in Niagata, Japan as the world’s oldest living person at 113 years old.The oldest person to have ever lived is Jeanne Louise Calment, a French woman from Arles, who lived for 122 years and 164 days.The US ranked 46th in terms of life expectancy, while the Central African Republic scored the lowest with a life expectancy rate of 54.36 years.Most recent data from the United Nations Population Division ranked Hong Kong with the longest life expectancy at 85.29 years, followed by Japan (85.03 years), Macao (84.68 years), Switzerland (84.25 years), Singapore (84.07 years), Italy (84.01 years), Spain (83.99 years), Australia (83.94 years), Channel Islands (83.60 years) and Iceland (83.52 years).Discover below the form an example of a calculation result for this love query. The average worldwide life expectancy for women is 74.2 years, while for men, it’s 69.8 years. This love calculator by date of birth offers you the level of compatibility between you and your partner in regard of your birthdays and age difference.

birth date calculator

In the US, life expectancy is 78.69 years while in the UK, it’s 80.96 years and in Canada, 82.30 years all in 2016.According to the World Health Organization, the average human life expectancy in 2016 was 72 years old.Fun facts about ageĪge talk is always interesting - and here are some even more fun facts to know about age: When you’re trying to calculate age, it’s possible to do the math, but using our age calculator will make the work easier, more convenient and faster. There are 12 months in a year, 52 weeks and 365 days (except during leap year when we have 364 days).Ī year is also equivalent to 8,760 hours, which translates to 525, 600 minutes. Do you know how much a year is in months, days, and hours? The calculator depicts various stages of your life on a Timeline Chart. Input both details in the appropriate box, click calculate, then you’ll see the result of not just the person’s age but also how that translates to months, days and hours. Calculates your age by counting the number of Years, months and days since birth.

birth date calculator

Use as a Reverse Due Date calculator to determine conception. You’ll only need two things to use this age calculator: a person’s birthday (dd/mm/yyyy) and the date when you’re trying to compute the age also in that format. This interactive Due Date Calculator will help you estimate the date your baby will arrive.

Birth date calculator